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Cinnamon Sticks


Spice is a rescue that we adopted a few short months after we started our farm. She is happy to see us, but a little more independent. Clumsy seems to be her middle name, as she can trip over air; poor thing. She knows what she wants and is willing to dig in her heals to get it. Even though hers has not been an easy life, she seems to be quite resilient.

Spice & Sugar


Spice came to us with her sister Sugar who unfortunately is no-longer with us. The two were a great pair and Spice seems to miss her sister greatly.

A Little Clumsy

Spices ability to trip over air has unfortunately lead to some bumps and bruises. She lost her horn during one of these unfortunate moments. Some of the horn has come back, but I don't think it will ever be the same.


Bounces Back

Spice seems to always bounce back no matter what adversity she faces. 

Mother Hood

Spice has recently become a first time mom. She seems to be taking to mother hood quite well. We all love her son who we call Pepper. 

Spice and her son
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